Grace of Guan Yin
40 Days of Devotion
I invite you to journey with Guan Yin and I on a devotional practice for 40 days where you will get to deeply experience her energy through practices of Meditation, Mantra, Prayer, Heart Circles, Contemplation and be apart of a like-hearted devotional community.
Goddess Guan Yin (Kuan Yin) who is also known as Bodhisattva Avalokiteśvara, is the pinnacle of mercy, compassion, love, and kindness.
Her name Guan Yin means "Observing the Sounds (or Cries) of the (human) World" and
Avalokitesvara ‘avalokita’ means "seeing or gazing down" and ‘Êvara’ means "lord" in Sanskrit.
In Sanskrit she is known as Padma Pani, meaning "Born of the Lotus". The lotus symbolizes purity, peace and harmony.
Guan Yin is the Universal Mother and Bodhisattva who is a being of bodhi or enlightenment, one who has earned to leave the world of suffering and is destined to become a Buddha, but has forgone the bliss of nirvana with a vow to save all children of the Earth.
We begin on the Strawberry Full Moon in Sagittarius on Sunday June 4th at 8am Central Time.
Each week will be a ceremonial practice of tuning into a specific theme, setting our intentions, doing a group meditation and contemplation exercise. We will focus on ONE specific mantra for the entire 40 days and you will only need 15-20 minutes per day!
Welcome dear one
Goddess Guan Yin has been my spiritual guide ever since I was a little girl. I come from a Vietnamese Buddhist Tradition and for as long as I can remember, my family has always had Guan Yin and Buddha on our sacred altar. Every Lunar New Year, we would visit our local temple and pay our respects. I remember my childhood largely involved watching asian culture movies where Guan Yin would appear from the sky - aiding humans in need from challenges and hardship. When I first travelled to Vietnam with my family over 16 years ago, we visited many temples with Guan Yin. Since then, whenever I travel, I often find myself being guided to her temple either by divine orchestration (driving past unexpectedly) or through locals offering to take me somewhere special. I’ve meditated and offered prayers, food and money in many temples around the world including Vietnam, Australia, Thailand, Spain, Bali, Singapore, Taiwan, Japan, Malaysia, India, Nepal, Myanmar, USA. It’s been the most special spiritual quest through her guidance and I am eternally grateful for the connection we have. She has helped me during the most difficult times in my life - from aiding me out of suicidal thoughts, depression, anxiety, relationship breakups, bullying, self-harm, intoxication, addiction, financial hardship and emotional and mental turmoil. She has been my guiding light who has never failed to offer me love, protection and compassion. I have encountered multiple accidents where it could have been detrimental - but somehow I’ve always come out with a scratch or landed on both of my feet. It is my greatest humbling honor to share what I know about Guan Yin with you and be the space holder for you to experience her divine grace, compassion, protection, love and mercy.

“I participated in the 40 Days of Devotion Laksmi Mantra Meditation journey that Nhi offered. It was a beautiful experience. I had many meditations that were very deep that I have never experienced before. The group sessions were such an amazing container that Nhi offered, truly magical! I will definitely participate in future offerings that Nhi has. She is such a beautiful light in this world.” - Tara (USA)

40 days = 4 Pillars
5 x Live Calls (75mins each every 10 days)
Opening and Closing Ceremony
Participate in Mantra Meditation and cultivate a consistent practice
Learn specific Mudras for Meditation
Learn about the history and essence of Guan Yin
Build a nourishing relationship with Guan Yin to bring positive changes into your life
Live Guided Group Meditations on the call
Setting up your sacred altar and space
Contemplation Practices
Q&A and Heart Circles
Be apart of a nourishing devoted community
Whatsapp Group Access for on-going support
Replays available in the hub
Certificate of Completion
Please note this journey is a pre-requisite for the upcoming Guan Yin Mentorship with Nhi later this year
What does this journey include?

The Schedule
Pillar 1 : Divine Compassion & Opening
Sunday 4th June @ 8am Central Time
Tuesday 13th June @ 8am Central Time
Pillar 2 : Divine Protection
Friday 23rd June @ 8am Central Time
Pillar 3 : Divine Grace
Monday 3rd July @ 8am Central Time
Pillar 4 : Divine Love
Thursday 13th July @ 8am Central Time
Closing Ceremony
8am Central Time | 9am EST | 3pm CET | 9pm SGT | 11pm AEST
Time Conversion
All calls will be recorded and access will be given immediately in case you cannot attend live. I find that this is the most accommodative time to fit all timezones.

Energy Exchange
For all journeys, I am now offering a scaling range to suit all needs where you can adjust the price within the tier. The sliding scale pricing method helps keep this work accessible to those who need financial flexibility while allowing those who are comfortably resourced to give back, creating a beautiful infinity knot of gratitude, generosity and support. By honestly choosing where you fall on the pay scale, you are creating sustainability within this community and work by either letting yourself receive assistance when you need it or creating greater access when you’re able.
This journey is very dear to my heart. Please note that the prices are a reflection of the deep work I have done, the investments I have made and the countless amount of hours in studies I’ve participated in. I always try to make it as affordable as possible while being able to support myself.
Thank you so much for your support.
I am in a place where I have limited expendable income but devoted to my transformation.
I have to rely on external support to meet my needs.
I am unemployed, underemployed, or am just starting my own business.
$22 per session
I feel safe and secure in meeting my basic needs.
I have some expendable income that I’m willing to invest in myself and share.
I am employed or am growing my own business, but still experience ebbs and flows.
$33 per session
I have an expendable income.
I want to contribute directly to the healing of others and trust that it will come back to me times ten.
I am securely employed, feel established in my own business / life or have loving support from my family.
$50 per session
Please thoughtfully choose the tier that suits you best. You can adjust the price in the payment portal if you would like to choose your own price within the tiers. Many blessings and thank you so much for your generosity.
*Payment plans are available for those in need.
Testimonials from our previous 40 Days of Devotional Journey
“My name is Sylvia and I participated in Nhi’s 40 Days of Devotion. Having no previous experience in mantra meditation, I took the leap of faith with Nhi, who I first met on insight Timer about 2 years ago. Her pure, gentle and authentic guidance through the 40 days exceeded my expectations.While each of the participants had their individual journey, the recurring group meetings enriched the experience with insights from Nhi and valuable exchange. For me personally, I felt the need to purge on a material as well as on a mental and spiritual level. After initial reluctance to connect with the mantra, I found two versions that I resonated with, and from there on things started to open up and flow. Initially I felt my journal prompts were fairly similar each day, upon reviewing I was amazed how many things I realized during the short 40 days/15+ minutes a day. To mention a few: I learned about my voice as an indicator of my wellbeing; after a while I felt the mantra vibrating through my body opening up all chakras.Towards the end my digestion improved without any change in diet, lifestyle or supplements; overall I felt much more connected to my body and more empowered. The meditation experience fluctuated by day, between blissful, mundane, and some very intense ones, where I made sure to sit long enough to feel the release and end with a more peaceful feeling. My third eye opened up and gave me beautiful visions. We are now way past 40 days and I am grateful that Lakshmi is still an integral part of my life. The most impactful takeaways for me have probably been gaining confidence in my ability to release and transmute my pain and trauma and not wanting to run away from it anymore, and the acceptance of each moment as being full of abundance, no matter how hard. Thank you Nhi!” - Sylvia (USA)
“ I’m Lancy and I participated in Nhi’s 40 Days of Devotion with Goddess Lakshmi. My original intention for the Lakshmi devotion was to cultivate more of the divine feminine. The breath work and chanting brought up emotions I needed to feel to heal, especially from the passing of my adult son Nathan, he was only 25. It’s been 12 years, however, there was so much pain I had been trying to set aside that had to come up. After I surrendered, loving and respecting myself to let the emotions flow through me, I started to have dream visits from him and dreams of my past lives. Lately I have been dreaming about things that I think are possibilities for my future work. Halfway through the 40 days my intention changed to detachment. I wanted to declutter my place, however, the universe seemed to have different plans and my thinking became clearer, less cluttered for a relationship that was not serving me and I was able to detach my emotions from those expectations I had previously held.
At the end of the 40 days I found that the abundance Lakshmi gave me was love. Love for myself first, (which is difficult for me with past programming to “always do better” )and to be my true authentic self which wants to freely love and trust people, and to be open to receive what the universe brings to me.” - Lancy (USA)

All calls will be recorded and access will be given immediately in case you cannot attend live. I find that the given time 8am Central Time is the most accommodative time to fit all timezones. If you happen to miss any live calls - please note that you will be able to receive so much from this experience nonetheless as previous students have :) The most important aspect of this experience is for you to do the daily meditation practice and watch the live calls at your earliest convenience. If you are a few days behind in the pillar - that is totally okay. Just pick up where you left off.
All calls will take place on Zoom. You will be given a link and sent a Google Calendar invite so please make sure you RSVP to let us know you will be coming in the case you may be late we can let you enter.
Expect nothing… and allow the journey to unfold for you as it shall. Many students in my previous 40 Days of Devotion have never practiced Mantra Meditation before and have gotten so much out of the experience. They grew to love Mantras because the efforts were so powerful and beautiful. My containers are truly unique and love-centered. It’s a journey of coming to your meditation space, to have a moment of stillness and peace, and allow whatever arises to just be. It is transformative to say the least… :)
All participants will get access to the 40 Days of Devotion Whatsapp Group. Each day after our practice we share with the group that we have done our practice and our gratitude / insight / learning / feeling for the day. Being in this group chat is recommended but not compulsory in the case you want a more undisturbed approach. However - this group keeps us motivated and its truly beautiful to read each others messages.
If you miss a day of meditation, it is completely OKAY! Do not get discouraged and let go of the journey completely. Ask yourself WHY you did not create space for your meditation practice and how you can do better moving forward. Come back to your intention and your why - and continue. Reach out to Nhi via Whatsapp or email at any time for support.
Yes there is. You can pay 50% first to secure your spot, then 50% within the first week of starting. This is for those who are truly in need. I always find that when I decide to go all in and pay full - abundance always comes to me in other ways! The commitment and devotion into the journey is truly magical.
Do you have any other questions? Feel free to send Nhi a message.